For 13 years, we at InteriorPark. have been driving sustainable developments in the construction industry. The joint book project with the publishing house av edition is a logical consequence of this.

Together, we will publish the first edition on

Architecture & Design

in autumn 2023. The book will be distributed in German and English in 140 countries worldwide.

It will feature approximately 50 international sustainable building projects in six categories:

Materials and Building Materials/Building Components
Furniture and equipment
Interior design
Urban planning and public space
Concepts (industry, research, education)

The selection is made independently by an expert jury.

The aim of this yearbook is to highlight the most innovative and forward-looking solutions whose contribution to building cultural development is clearly recognisable – regardless of their size, use and location.

Our list of criteria includes all relevant topics of transformational development: sufficiency efforts, answers to the best possible use of resources as well as circular processes and strategies, socio-cultural aspects and biodiversity are in focus here.

The editors and authors, Andrea Herold and Tina Kammer, will take a holistic look at current developments in the construction industry and whet the reader’s appetite for something new.


We would be pleased if you submit your sustainable building project for publication.
Please use the Entry Form for your submissions with all details and necessary information needed. The realisation period of the submitted projects is defined from 01.2018 to 12.2022.

The deadline for submissions is April 14, 2023.

  The submission is free of charge.
Upon publication of your project, you agree to purchase 10 book copies of 50 € each.

Many thanks to our book partners



Lindner Group


for their support!