Worldwide, young people are striking and demonstrating as Fridays for Future for respecting the climate agreement and saving our planet. The historic movement of young people for a future worth living receives widespread support.
The Entrepeneurs for Future initiative is made up of entrepreneurs who are already promoting climate protection or advocating for the economy to accelerate climate protection with innovative products, technologies, services and business models. She supports the Fridays for Future movement and strives to connect society and generations in order to make herself heard in politics. InteriorPark. has been supporting the initiative from the beginning and will continue to do so in the future when it comes to assuming social responsibility for shaping a future worth living for.
The construction industry from whose ranks we come is responsible worldwide for the largest goods movements, the largest consumption of resources and the most CO2 emissions. Therefore, architecture and the construction of buildings is one of the main approaches to sustainable development.
To be continued.